I don't know if you're an animator, or just make videos, or whatever, but ANUBIS INC WILL MAKE MUSIC FOR YOU! I don't know if you know this, but we love you. A lot. And we like to help you! Anubis Inc is willing to do song requests and donate music to whatever your cause is! All you have to do is ask! We want to branch out more, so don't be shy, if you like our music ad want to use it, feel free!
Also we are looking for an animator to do a music video for us, if you can do that it would be amazing! Inbox me and we can talk about the terms!
ay love you too :D
your muzic its great too bad aym not an animatior :( ay only now how to draw ..
but ay stilll suport you guys or girl :P
You could draw us an official Logo for Anubis Inc if you wanted :D